Often while conducting my job-hunt I have stumbled upon a job titled 'Data Scientist'. In the beginning uninformed and uneducated in the nerve-racking process of job-seeking, I believed it simply to be a job for someone qualified and capable of handling and manipulating data within different sectors of applied science.
How mistaken I was. The title nowadays may refer to a vast variety of employment sectors and not just the applied sciences. These may include Media, Education, Consulting, Retail, Social Networking and many others. As a matter of fact, this job description nowadays, rarely is used to describe an expertise based solely in Data Science.
The results of this survey showcased in Forbes, are quite revealing regarding the job potential of a Data Scientist:
Data Science Falls Into Many Roles
The title of Scientist used to mean something in the world. It seems today it has been reduced to something everyone with a basic core of skills can attain. We have to move with the ages.