Friday, 9 October 2015

Photo of the Day: Moonlight Sonata!

As seen from the beautiful island of Cyprus.

The Moon Entering Earth's Shadow

Image Credit & Copyright: Thodoris Tzalavras

Source and explanation:  Astronomy Picture of the Day

Surgical restoration of hand and arm movements for quadriplegics!

A few years ago while I was talking with a close friend, I brought up the subject of full body regeneration as a joke (that was me watching too much anime that time) and we debated whether that was possible to happen in the future, that being a hundred years or a million years from now.

Although this is not the case I am reporting here, the breakthrough technique that has been developed by scientists of the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, showed me that when it comes to science and innovation, dreams are not unachievable.

Slight restoration of hand and arm movement for quadriplegics, is a small step towards the big goal that is, full body movement restoration for people with spinal cord injuries.

The biggest gain though is not what is does for science, but the  betterment of quality of life of the people suffering with spinal cord injuries.