X-ray Forearm With Arthritis At Wrist And Elbow (rheumatoid, gout)
Today I was conversing with a friend potentially suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), that wanted to know ways of relieving his pain. I tried to give all the best advise, that did not involve taking medication, for treating this dreadful disease.
Little did I know that an informative article in Tech Times was released earlier in the day, that sheds a little bit extra light into the factors that may aggravate RA.
"A team of researchers from All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) looked into 500 patients with RA who lived in New Delhi, India, in the past 10 years. They found that the symptoms worsened in the months of November and December. This two-month period is characterized by high levels of suspended particulate matter (SPM) 2.5 in the atmosphere."
Earlier this day I commented on a coral colony being bleached by CO2 emissions. Now apparently urban life during early winter aggravates RA. It doesn't seem we have been kind to our environment lately and this is increasingly worrying.
But first of all what is RA? It is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects the joints and causes chronic inflammation. And by autoimmune disease I mean when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's tissues. As of yet RA has no cure.
So air pollution seems to worsen the pain on people suffering with this disease, but what can be done to alleviate this? A few things really. First and foremost you must have in mind to try keep calm and not stress. That is the best advise not only for this but for most of the problems that appear in front of you.
Second is a good diet and trying to keep fit. Exercise is something that may prove miraculous for people suffering with RA. It is however something that must be used with caution as to not make the symptoms more severe and after consulting with your doctor or physiotherapist for the correct set of exercises.
All I can say to the people suffering from RA is I am really sorry that you have to go through this pain every day and I hope you can find ways to alleviate your pain. Let's hope that medical research will once again find ways to battle this as it has done many times before.
Original story source: Air Pollution Can Aggravate Rheumatoid Arthritis But Exercise, Lifestyle Changes Can Relieve Symptoms
Additional information: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - MedicineNet.com
Image provided by: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/